Word Cookies Orange Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Star Chef Orange Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. ant any ban bat bay boy nay not oat tab tan ton toy boat bony baton botany
Level 2. fig fit his hit its sit figs fish fist fits gift gist hits sift sigh this fight gifts shift sight fights
Level 3. and dam don lad mad man nod old land load loam loan moan mold modal nomad almond
Level 4. air arc cap car cay cry icy par pay pry rap ray rip airy carp pair pray racy piracy
Level 5. ace arc are arm car ear era mar ram acre area came care cram mace mare race ream cream camera
Special Level. ace ale arc are arm car ear elm era mar ram acre area calm came care clam cram earl lace lame mace male mare meal race real ream alarm camel clear cream realm calmer camera caramel fin fir fit ire net nit rev ten tie tin vet vie fern fine fire five fret rein rent rife rift rite tern tier tine tire vein vent vine feint finer inert infer inter refit rivet trine invert
Level 6. art oar oat par pat pot pro rap rat rot tap tar top atop part port rapt roar trap parrot
Level 7. aim air arm art mar mat max mix ram rat rim tar tax mart taxi tram trim matrix
Level 8. jet see set tee jeer jest jets rest seer tees tree jeers reset steer terse trees jester
Level 9. aid air day dry fad far fir fry rad ray rid airy arid dray fair fray raid yard dairy diary fairy friday
Level 10. ire net nit rev ten tie tin vet vie rein rent rite tern tier tine tire vein vent vine inert inter rivet invert
Special Level. ace ale arc are arm car ear elm era mar ram acre area calm came care clam cram earl lace lame mace male mare meal race real ream alarm camel clear cream realm calmer camera caramel fin fir fit ire net nit rev ten tie tin vet vie fern fine fire five fret rein rent rife rift rite tern tier tine tire vein vent vine feint finer inert infer inter refit rivet trine invert
Level 11. ego get got its set sit tie toe tog egos gets gist goes site ties toes togs egoist
Level 12. elm ore roe elms lore lose mole more ores roes role rose sole some sore loser moles mores roles morsel
Level 13. bit bum bus but its sit sub sum tub bits bums bust mist must suit tubs submit
Level 14. ale lab sea able ales bale base labs laze sale seal slab zeal bales blaze sable blazes
Level 15. arm man mar nor oar ram ran loam loan moan norm oral roam roan manor molar moral roman normal
Level 16. arm far for mar oar ram farm foal foam form from loaf loam oral roam flora molar moral formal
Level 17. ore rev roe core cove lore love over role rove vole clove cover lover clover
Level 18. its set sit sue tie use sets site sits sues suit ties uses issue sites suite suits suites tissue
Level 19. her hey hot ore roe rot rye the thy toe toy try yet hero rote they tore other theory
Level 20. inn ire net nit ten tie tin nine rein rent rite tier tine tire inert inner inter intern
Many answers have letters not in the clues.
I noticed that too…and then it takes hours to figure out of words
In orange 3 the word madal is wrong it should be modal because it’s only one a in the pan not two to pick from
In orange 4 the word sposit was spell wrong
Thank you!
In orange 8 the word rester should have been ester
Thank you!
How do you leave out words like riot trio
Where are the words in level 10 the special event. That added the letter f
Also level 12 is all wrong their is no u nor is there an a in the skillet.