Word Cookies Macadamia Answers | Cheats

Word Cookies Macadamia Answers Page!

Welcome to the Word Cookies Pastry Cheg Macadamia Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.

Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words.  Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.


Level 1. bed bid bin den die din end hen hid bend bide bind dine hide hind behind

Level 2. are ark arm ear era err mar ram make mare mark rake rare ream rear maker marker remark

Level 3. die dip ire per pie red rid rip zip dire drip pier ride ripe pride pried prize prized

Level 4. eon inn ion lie nil oil one lien line lion loin lone neon nine none linen online

Level 5. emu rue rum see sue sum use emus mere muse rues ruse seem seer sure user reuse serum resume

Level 6. den dud due dun end sue sun use dens dues dune ends nude send sued used dunes nudes sudden

Level 7. not now nut out own pot pun put ton top tow two won pout punt town unto upon uptown

Level 8. ace act ant ate can cat eat net tan tea ten acne cane cent neat enact accent

Level 9. her hip ice ire per pie rip chip epic heir hire pier rice rich ripe chirp perch price cipher

Level 10. ace aid die ice via vie aced acid aide avid cave dice diva dive iced idea vice vied caved advice

Special Level. emu per pus rue rum see sue sum use emus mere muse peer perm pure rues rump ruse seem seep seer spur sure user peers perms puree purse reuse rumps serum spree super peruse resume presume supreme ace aid cod die doe ice ode via vie aced acid aide avid cave coda code coed cove dice diva dive dove iced idea vice vied void avoid caved video voice advice voiced

Level 11. are bar bee bra ear era eve rev aver bare bear beer ever rave veer verb brave beaver

Level 12. arm man mar nor oar ram ran moan moon moor norm roam roan room manor roman maroon

Level 13. cue elm emu sue sum use clue cues elms emus mule muse scum slum clues mules muscle

Level 14. den die din dye end ink key kid kin deny dike dine inky kind dinky inked kidney

Level 15. arc bar bra cab car hob oar orb rob arch boar char crab abhor cobra roach broach

Level 16. lip ply sip sly spy limp lips lisp slim slip imply limps slimy simply

Level 17. fir fit for pit pot pro rip rot tip top fort port rift riot trio trip profit

Level 18. fen fin fit ice net nit ten tic tie tin cent cine cite fine nice tine feint infect

Level 19. bum bun bur emu men nub rub rue rum run urn burn menu numb number

Level 20. art hat hot oar oat rat rot tar tot oath tart that tort trot throat


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