Word Cookies Rose Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Talented Chef Rose Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. see set sew tee wet stew tees west wets sweet
Level 2. low owe owl vow woe love wove vowel
Level 3. its sat saw sit was wit wait wits waist waits
Level 4. eon hen hop one pen hone hope open phone
Level 5. hot hut out host hots huts oust outs shot shut thou thus shout south
Special Level. hot hug hut out tug host hots hugs huts oust outs shot shut thou thug thus tugs ought shout south thugs tough sought toughs
Level 6. bow low owe owl web woe blew blow bowl lobe below bowel elbow
Level 7. cue cur cut rue rut cure curt cute true cruet cuter truce
Level 8. aid air day dry rad ray rid airy arid dray raid yard dairy diary
Level 9. ace act ate cat eat hat tea the ache chat each etch hate heat tech cheat teach
Level 10. eon fen foe net not one ten toe ton font note tone often
Level 11. bud bun don dub dun duo nod nub bond undo bound
Level 12. ago ant got nag not oat tag tan tog ton gnat goat tango
Level 13. ire per pie rim rip mire perm pier prim ripe prime
Level 14. ace ale ape cap lap pal pea cape clap lace leap pace pale peal plea place
Level 15. ace act ate cat eat fat tea cafe face fact fate feat facet
Level 16. are ark bar bra ear era bake bare bark beak bear rake baker brake break
Level 17. are arm ear era far mar ram fame fare farm fear mare ream frame
Level 18. per pus rue sue use pure ruse spur sure user purse super
Level 19. die dip ire per pie red rid rip dire drip pied pier ride ripe pride pried
Level 20. her ore roe she hero hers hose ores roes rose shoe sore horse shore
Rose 7 is not the correct answers/letters. It’s M, I, A, E, and D.
Thank you. We will fix it soon.
Rose 18 is incorrect the letters are s,p,e,u,r.
Thank you. We will fix it soon.
I cant find the other word for the special level on rose. I have found all of them and have gone onto different websites and still haven’t been able to find it.
rose 7 letters are c u t e r
you do not have both special levels on here.
Rose 7 is not correct, my letters are T R U C E
Rose 12 is not the right letters.???