Word Cookies Mint Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Sous Chef Mint Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. aim gin man nag zag zig gain main again mania amazing
Level 2. cog eel ego gel leg log cell clog glee ogle cello college
Level 3. ace ail ale all axe ice ill lax lie axle call cell lace lice lilac lexical
Level 4. ail air via aria lair lava liar rail vial avail larva rival viral arrival
Level 5. ash has his sin van via shin vain vans visa vanish
Level 6. cry icy pit pry rip tic tip try city pity trip crypt cryptic
Level 7. ice net nit ten tic tie tin cent cine cite nice tine zinc citizen
Level 8. gin inn ion nor rig rim grim grin iron norm ring groin minor morning
Level 9. den dew end new wed keen knee knew need weed week weekend
Level 10. den die dig din end gin inn dine nine ending
Special Level. ash has his sin van via hang sang shin sing vain vans visa hangs having saving vanish shaving den die dig dim din end gem gin inn men mid dine mend mind mine nine deign denim mined ending mending
Level 11. ash fan fin has his ion sin son fish ions shin sofa fashion
Level 12. cow eel elm low mow owe owl woe come cowl mole welcome
Level 13. nor nun our pro pun run urn noon noun poor pour upon pronoun
Level 14. are ear era fan far ran afar area earn fare fear fern near arena fanfare
Level 15. ire tie wet wit rite tier tire weir wire writ trite write titter twitter
Level 16. bib bur bus his hub rib rub sir sub bush ribs rubs rush brush shrub rubbish
Level 17. cry cue cur emu err rue rum rye cure curry mercy merry recur mercury
Level 18. con coy eon men one come cone mono moon omen once money economy
Level 19. did dig din dip dud dug dun gin gun nip pig pin pug pun pudding
Level 20. flu fly for fry fur our you foul four fury your flour furry lorry floury flurry
your cheats for mint #3 is wrong!
Lexicall is answer for mint 3
5/13/17 mint 14 update answer is fanfare
I do not have mint on my pistachio what happen?????
mint 03 does not match up
Mint 14 does not match up with puzzle
Mint is supposed to be Pistachio. Who in the world put this site together for you. Far too many errors in thos game?