Word Cookies Caramel Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Commis Chef Caramel Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. net nit ten tie tin vet vie tine vein vent vine invite
Level 2. all lad oar old rad rod doll load lord oral road roll dollar
Level 3. gel get hen leg let net ten the lent then length
Level 4. elm low mow owe owl woe mole well mellow
Level 5. ace can fan fen fin ice acne cafe cane cine face fine nice fiance
Special Level. ace age can fan fen fig fin gin ice nag acne cafe cage cane cine face fang fine gain nice feign genic facing fiance ale elf elk elm fake fame flak flea kale lake lame leaf leak make male meal flake flame aflame
Level 6. doe dot due duo ode out toe dote duet tuxedo
Level 7. oil foil loss oils silo soil floss foils soils fossil
Level 8. ply pup pus sly spy plus pulp pups pulps supply
Level 9. dog dot god got hog hot tog too good hood hoot hotdog
Level 10. ale elf elm fame flea lame leaf male meal flame aflame
Special Level. ace age can fan fen fig fin gin ice nag acne cafe cage cane cine face fang fine gain nice feign genic facing fiance ale elf elk elm fake fame flak flea kale lake lame leaf leak make male meal flake flame aflame
Level 11. ore roe core ores roes rose sore cores score soccer
Level 12. fig fit hit lit flit gift gilt lift fight filth light flight
Level 13. per pup rue lure pulp pure rule upper purple
Level 14. bet but let tub bell belt blue bull tell tube bullet
Level 15. den did die din end hen hid died dine hide hind dined hidden
Level 16. rev rue rye sue use yes revs rues ruse ryes sure user very survey
Level 17. bio hip his hob hop sip sob hips hobs hops posh ship shop bishop
Level 18. den end fed fee fen deed feed fend need ended defend
Level 19. ace ale can acne cane clan lace lane lean clean lance cancel
Level 20. eve ore rev roe ever mere more move over rove veer mover remove
Caramel two does not match the puzzle
caramel 2 does not match the puzzel
What letters do you see?
4 dont match either
4 dont match on Caramel
Levels 2 and 4 are very inaccurate!!!!
Carmel 4 doesn’t match
There are only seven four letter words listed on level 20. The game has eight four letter words and I can’t get the last one.
Level 20 last word is veer thats not listed on the answers page.