Word Cookies Basil Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Best Chef Basil Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. bog bud bug dog dub dug duo god log lug old bold bull doll dull glob gold gull loud bulldog
Level 2. act ant can cat con cot cut not nut oat out tan ton aunt auto coat tuna unto count toucan account
Level 3. elm lie elms isle less lies lime mess mile miss slim isles limes miles slime slims smile simile slimes smiles missile similes
Level 4. con ion nor sin sir son coin cons corn icon ions iris iron coins corns icons ionic irons rosin scorn sonic ironic incisor
Level 5. act cap cat cay cop cot coy oat pat pay pot tap top toy atop coat copy pact copycat
Level 6. any ban bay boy cab can cay con coy lab lay nay ably bloc bony clan clay cloy coal loan only bacon nobly balcony
Level 7. age gas gem sag sea ages game gems mass mess saga sage sags same seam seas amass games gases sagas sages seams massage
Level 8. bet bur but buy bye rub rue rut rye try tub yet bury butt ruby true tube brute buyer rebut tuber utter butter buttery
Level 9. ice ire let lie lit tic tie cite lice lite rice rile rite tier tile tire liter relic circle cleric relict circlet
Level 10. ale and den end had hen lad led deal hale hand head heal held land lane lead lean lend laden handle
Special Level. ale and den elf end fad fan fed had hen lad led deaf deal fade fend flea fled hale half hand head heal held land lane lead leaf lean lend laden handle
Level 11. ale are ear eel era err ran earl earn lane lean leer near rare real rear reel learn renal earner leaner nearer learner relearn
Level 12. ale ape eel lap lop pal pea pop leap lope opal pale peal peel peep plea plop pole pope apple elope people
Level 13. ail ale all elk ilk ill lab lie able bail bake bale ball beak bell bike bile bill kale kill lake leak like alike bleak label libel liable likable
Level 14. lap lop oar pal par pro rap sap spa also oars opal oral pals raps rasp slap slop soap soar spar opals polar solar parasol
Level 15. act arc art car cat cot oar oat rat rot tar tot cart coat roar tact tart tort trot actor tract carrot tractor
Level 16. eon eye key net not one tee ten toe ton toy yet keen knee knot note teen tone yoke token keynote
Level 17. aid ail and din lad lid nil van via avid dial diva laid lain land nail vain vial anvil livid valid inlaid invalid
Level 18. err net nut rue run rut ten urn rent rune tern true tune turn rerun truer tuner return untrue nurture
Level 19. aid ail air arc car lad lid rad rid acid aria arid card clad dial laid lair liar raid rail acrid racial radial radical
Level 20. ace ale can con eon one acne cane clan coal cone lace lane lean loan lone once alone canoe clean clone lance ocean cancel conceal