Word Cookies Mocha Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Commis Chef Mocha Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. dig din gin rid rig gird grid grin rind ring grind rigid riding
Level 2. elk ilk ill key lie lye kill like lily yell likely
Level 3. awe new anew knew wake wane weak wean awake waken awaken
Level 4. dot duo its out sit dots dust oust outs stud suit studio
Level 5. bun bur cub cur hub nub rub run urn burn curb bunch churn brunch
Special Level. bin bun bur cub cur hub nub rib rub run urn burn chin crib curb inch rich ruin uric birch bunch burin churn incur brunch ace arc are ate car ear era err tea tee acre care race rare rate rear tear carer cater crate eater racer rater career crater create caterer terrace
Level 6. ink kin kit net nit ten tie tin kite knit tent tine tint kitten
Level 7. ail aim fly lay may yam fail film mail family
Level 8. den end net tee ten dent need next teen tend extend
Level 9. dig din dry gin rid rig gird grid grin rind ring dying grind drying
Level 10. ace arc are car ear era err acre care race rare rear carer racer career
Special Level. bin bun bur cub cur hub nub rib rub run urn burn chin crib curb inch rich ruin uric birch bunch burin churn incur brunch ace arc are ate car ear era err tea tee acre care race rare rate rear tear carer cater crate eater racer rater career crater create caterer terrace
Level 11. ink inn kin sin ski sky inks inky inns kins sink skin skinny
Level 12. nit nut tin mint tiny unit unity mutiny
Level 13. duo old hold loud lush shod sold soul holds should
Level 14. inn ion nit not tin ton too into noon onto onion notion
Level 15. cot ore roe rot toe coke core cork rock rote tore trek rocket
Level 16. ale ape lap pal pea leap pale peal plea apple papal appeal
Level 17. fig fir fur ire rig rue rug fire rife urge grief figure
Level 18. eel elm hem let met tee the heel helm meet melt teem them theme helmet
Level 19. gin ink kin sin ski gins inks king kins sign sing sink skin kings skiing
Level 20. hop hot pot pro pry rot thy top toy try port trophy
Mocha level special – done
There is a four letter word missing in level 17
There is a four letter word missing in level 17.