Word Cookies Strawberry Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Talented Chef Strawberry Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. bat bit hat hit tab bait bath habit
Level 2. ice ire rim mice mire rice crime
Level 3. hot nor not rot ton horn torn north thorn
Level 4. for nor not rot ton font fort torn front
Level 5. dig din gin rid rig gird grid grin rind ring grind
Special Level. dig din dug dun gin rid rig gird grid grin rind ring grind during get hew hit the tie wet wig wit twig whet whit with eight weigh white weight
Level 6. ads and ant sad sat tad tan ants sand stand
Level 7. net nit nut ten tie tin tine tune unit unite untie
Level 8. bed bee red beer bred deer reed breed
Level 9. ads aid day sad say aids dais days said daisy
Level 10. hew hit the tie wet wit whet whit with white
Special Level. dig din dug dun gin rid rig gird grid grin rind ring grind during get hew hit the tie wet wig wit twig whet whit with eight weigh white weight
Level 11. hit ink kin kit nit tin hint knit thin think
Level 12. fen fin ink kin fine knife
Level 13. man maw mow now own won moan mown woman
Level 14. hot how rot row tow two who throw worth
Level 15. ore per pro roe perk poke pore pork rope poker
Level 16. cod duo old clod cold loud cloud could
Level 17. elf flu let felt flue fuel left flute
Level 18. act cat hat chat thaw what watch
Level 19. bug bur buy guy rub rug bury grub ruby rugby
Level 20. cop cot pit pot tic tip top optic topic
You always do the right thing. God Bless you.
Thank you
Idk if this is old or something but this doesn’t have near all the words.
you do not have all the answers cause i have them but i have 3 unanswered words and you don’t have those 3 words that is for strawberry special level so what are the 3 that you don’t list
We will look into it.
Level 16 words are wrong.
That why isn’t showing me the
These answers are wrong,I have letters P,O,N,I,E
level 16 words are wrong
Same it’s wrong
I gotta say but 16 is wrong I’ve got p,o,n,i,e
Did you find the words?
16 is wrong i have c l o u d
09 is wrong the letters are s,a,i,d,y
its wrong I have cod, duo, old, clod, cold, loud, cloud and I need one more.
that’s for level 16