Word Cookies Red Velvet Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Talented Chef Red Velvet Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. aid ail day lad lay lid dial idly lady laid daily
Level 2. bed bid die ire red rib rid bide bier bird bred dire ride bride
Level 3. nap pan par paw ran rap raw war pawn warn warp wrap prawn
Level 4. ale elf fake flak flea kale lake leaf leak flake
Level 5. hew how low owe owl who woe hole howl whole
Special Level. elm hem hew how low mew mow owe owl who woe helm hole home howl mole whom whole elm eon let lot men met net not one ten toe ton lent lone melt mole molt note omen tome tone lemon melon motel molten
Level 6. air gin nag rag ran rig gain grin rain rang ring grain
Level 7. set toe vet toes vest veto vets vote stove votes
Level 8. bur bus hub rub sub burs bush hubs rubs rush brush shrub
Level 9. our out rot rut tot rout tort tour tout trot trout tutor
Level 10. elm eon men one lone mole omen lemon melon
Special Level. elm hem hew how low mew mow owe owl who woe helm hole home howl mole whom whole elm eon let lot men met net not one ten toe ton lent lone melt mole molt note omen tome tone lemon melon motel molten
Level 11. den die dim din end men mid dine mend mind mine denim mined
Level 12. ail air art lit rat tar lair liar rail tail trail trial
Level 13. amp map maw paw sap saw spa was amps maps paws swam swap wasp swamp
Level 14. die ire red rev rid vie dire dive ride vied vier diver drive
Level 15. den doe don end eon nod ode one done doze node zone dozen zoned
Level 16. arc arm car ham mar ram arch char cram harm charm march
Level 17. and bad ban bar bra dab rad ran band bard barn bran darn drab brand
Level 18. ail air lap lip pal par rap rip lair liar pair rail april
Level 19. ant ban bat bot not oat tab tan ton boat baton
Level 20. ore owe per pew pro roe row woe pore rope wore power
Red velvet Level 10 answers do not match puzzle
red velvet special level answers arent right one word shy of finishing
Can you fix red velvet answers they arent correct
level 10 special level
Elm eon men one lone mole mono omen lemon melon moon loon moo loom
Thank You!
Thank u i was missing 3 words thanks again.
mine is wrong
Red velvet 12 words are wrong the letters are r a t i l