Word Cookies Praline Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Great Chef Praline Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1 ace bee bus cab cub cue sea see sub sue use aces base bees cabs case cube cubs cues ease scab abuse cause cease cubes sauce scuba because
Level 2 con eon fee foe for nor one ore roe cone core corn fern fore free once reef crone fence force confer encore fencer enforce
Level 3 ion nit nor not rim rot tin ton too into iron mint mono moon moor moot norm omit onto riot room root torn trim trio intro minor motor motion monitor
Level 4 elf elm hem him his lie she elms file film fish helm hems isle lies life lime mesh mile self slim files films flesh flies helms limes miles shelf slime smile himself
Level 5 get gin hen hit net nit ten the tie tin hint tent then thin tine tint eight hinge night tenth thine thing tight tinge tighten
Level 6 ail can gin ilk ink kin lag nag nil akin clan gain king lack lain lank lick link nail align cling clink lacing lacking
Level 7 cue cur rue run see sue sun urn use cues cure rues runs ruse seen seer sure urns user cures curse ensue nurse reuse scene sneer censer ensure rescue screen secure censure
Level 8 and dam den due dun emu end mad man men mud nun amen dune made mane mead mean mend menu name nude amend named manned unmade mundane unnamed
Level 9 ail aim air arm art lit mar mat ram rat rim tar aria lair liar mail malt mart rail tail tram trim alarm altar tiara trail trial atrial marital martial
Level 10 ago ant got gun gut nag not nut oat out tag tan tog ton tug aunt auto gnat goat gout tuna unto gaunt tango nougat
Special Level ago ant got gun gut hat hog hot hug hut nag not nut oat out tag tan tog ton tug aunt auto gnat goat gout hang hung hunt oath than thou thug tuna unto gaunt haunt ought tango tough naught nougat hangout
Level 11 hem hew how mow owe sew she sow who woe woo hems home hose mesh mows owes shoe show some whom woes woos homes moose whose somehow
Level 12 eel let see set tee eels else leer lest lets reel rest seer sell tees tell tree leers reels reset sleet steel steer tells terse trees resell retell seller teller tellers
Level 13 act ant can cap cat nap nip nit pan pat pin pit tan tap tic tin tip pact pain pant pint antic paint panic patina captain
Level 14 ape pea pie sap sea sip spa via vie apes pass pave peas pies saps save seas sips vase vies visa paves saves sepia spies vases visas passive
Level 15 air arc cap car gap hip par pig rag rap rig rip arch carp chap char chip crag grip hair harp pair rich chair chirp cigar graph graphic
Level 16 cry cue cur cut let lye rue rut rye try yet clue cult cure curl curt cute lure rely rule true cruel cruet curly cuter lucre truce truly ulcer cruelty cutlery
Level 17 age ail ale all gel ill lag leg lie via vie evil gale gall gave gill give live vale veal veil vial vile agile alive gavel legal villa village
Level 18 fir fry her hey his ire rye she shy sir yes fire firs fish heir hers hire rife rise serf sire fiery fires fishy fresh fries heirs hires reify serif shyer fishery
Level 19 his hit hot its rot shy sir sit soy sty thy toy try hits host riot rosy rots shot sort stir this toys trio riots shirt short story trios history
Level 20 bow eon new nor now one orb ore owe own rob roe row web woe won bone bore born brew brow neon none robe wore worn wren borne bower brown owner renown newborn