Word Cookies Peppermint Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Ultimate Chef Peppermint Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1 cry fir fit fry ice icy ire rye tic tie try yet cite city fire fret rice rife rift rite tier tire yeti fiery refit reify certify
Level 2 age ale ape gap gel lag lap leg lug pal pea peg pug gale gape glue gulp leap page pale peal plea plug plague
Level 3 add and dad dam den end mad man men amen dead made mane mead mean mend name amend named demand madden
Level 4 dew doe odd ode ore owe red rod roe row wed woe woo doer door drew odor owed redo rode wood word wore odder rodeo rowed wooed wooded worded redwood
Level 5 hip his hop lip lop oil sip hips hops lips lisp oils posh ship shop silo slip slop soil spoil polish
Level 6 cop cot mop pot too top coop cost cots moot mops most oops post pots soot spot stop tops coops scoop scoot stomp stoop compost
Level 7 eel elf fee fig fin gel gin leg lie nil feel file fine flee gene glee lien life line feign fling genie feline feeling fleeing
Level 8 ale are arm ear elm era mar ram rev aver earl lame male mare meal rave real ream vale veal ravel realm marvel
Level 9 dew eel led red wed deer drew leer reed reel weed weld well were dwell elder welder welled dweller
Level 10 its set sew sit tie wet wit sets sews site sits stew ties west wets wise wits sites stews wisest
Special Level its net new set sew sit tie wet wit nest nets news sets sews site sits stew ties tine west wets wine wise wits sites stews tines twine winer wines twines wisest witness
Level 11 egg elm emu gel gem gum leg lug mug sue sum use eggs elms emus gels gems glue glum gums legs lugs mugs mule muse slug slum smug glues mules smuggle
Level 12 cop cot lip lit lop lot oil pit pot tic tip top clip clot coil colt plot toil optic pilot topic politic
Level 13 err ire per pie rip see sip sir errs peer pier pies ripe rips rise seep seer sire peers piers pries prise riper riser spire spree reprise respire
Level 14 bay cab cay lab lay may say sly yam ably alms balm bays cabs calm clam clay labs lamb lays scab slab slam slay yams calms clams clays lambs scaly cymbal cymbals
Level 15 ace ale all arc are car ear era acre call care cell earl lace race real clear caller cellar recall
Level 16 eel let net see set tee ten eels else lens lent lest lets nest nets seen sent teen tees tens sleet steel teens tense nestle
Level 17 eel ice lie nil see sin cine eels else ices isle lens lice lien lies line nice seen liens lines niece scene since slice nieces senile license silence
Level 18 bee bet eel elm let met tee beer beet belt leer meet melt mere reel teem term tree beret ember meter rebel treble tremble
Level 19 fix fox lid oil old six foil fold idol lids oils silo slid soil sold foils folds idols solid sixfold
Level 20 nap nor oar pan par pro ran rap sap son spa naps oars oops pans poor pros raps rasp roan snap soap soar soon span spar apron arson spoon spoor aprons parson soprano