Word Cookies Peach Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Talented Chef Peach Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1 gin sin wig win gins sign sing wigs wing wins swing wings
Level 2 ace cue sea sue use aces case cues cause sauce
Level 3 arm jam jar mar oar ram roam major
Level 4 den end net red ten dent nerd rend rent tend tern trend
Level 5 ice ire per pie rip epic pier rice ripe price
Special Level ice ire per pie pin rip cine epic pier pine rein rice ripe price prince any arc can car cay con coy cry nay nor oar ran ray corn roan yarn acorn crony rayon crayon
Level 6 its kit sit ski tic kits sick tick stick ticks
Level 7 lie oil vie evil live love veil vile vole olive
Level 8 ail nil sin ails lain nail sail nails slain snail
Level 9 beg big bin gin begin being
Level 10 arc can car con nor oar ran corn roan acorn
Special Level ice ire per pie pin rip cine epic pier pine rein rice ripe price prince any arc can car cay con coy cry nay nor oar ran ray corn roan yarn acorn crony rayon crayon
Level 11 ale ape lap pal pea leap pale peal plea apple
Level 12 bow nor now orb own rob row won born brow worn brown
Level 13 bed den end led bend bled lend blend
Level 14 din ink irk kid kin rid kind rind drink
Level 15 aid air oar rad rid rod arid raid road radio
Level 16 bed bet bud but dub due tub debt duet tube debut
Level 17 ace ape cap pea ache cape each heap pace cheap peach
Level 18 ate eat mat may met tea yam yet mate meat tame team meaty
Level 19 ore per pro rev roe over pore rope rove prove
Level 20 con cow nor now own row won corn crow worn crown
On peach 11 but answers are not same here
Level 20 is Crown letters not Solid
I love this game
on peach 14 not same answer here ..
Faker did not work on 16
I think our version is newer
on peach 13 my letter are f,r,e,i,g not solve
I need help with the word field
Peach 20 not the same letter either!!