Word Cookies Nougat Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Best Chef Nougat Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. fee fen fin fit net nit tee ten tie tin feet fete fine teen tine feint fifteen
Level 2. aim jam man men sea sin aims amen main mane mean mine name same sane seam jeans mains means jasmine
Level 3. cod con cot din don dot ion nit nod not tic tin ton coin dint icon into ionic tonic diction
Level 4. ail air art lit rat rut tar vat via lair liar rail tail vial rival trail trial ultra vault viral vital ritual virtual
Level 5. coy cry key ore roe rye coke cook core cork rock rook yoke crook rocky cooker cookery
Level 6. age are bag bar beg bra ear egg era gag rag area bare bear brag garb gear grab rage barge beggar garage garbage
Level 7. hue hut let set she sue the use hues huts lest lets lush lust shut test thus hustle shuttle
Level 8. den dew did die dig din end gin new wed wig win died dine wide wind wine wing deign dined widen winded winged wedding
Level 9. ant ate eat net nit tan tea ten tie tin van vat vet via vie nave neat tine vain vane vein vent vine naive invite native
Level 10. ash had has how sad saw sow wad was who dash shod show soda wads wash woad shadow
Special Level. aid ash had has hid his how sad saw sow wad was who aids dais dash dish said shod show soda wads wash wish woad adios shadow
Level 11. eon hen hex hip hop ion nip one pen pie pin pox hone hope open oxen pine opine phone phoenix
Level 12. let lop lot out pet pot put toe top lope pelt plot poet pole poll pout pull tell toll pollute
Level 13. act ail cap cat lap lip lit pal pat pit tap tic tip clap clip pact pail plat tail plait capital
Level 14. gem gin men sin gems gins mess mine miss sign sing sins mines signs singe sings singes messing
Level 15. ant art nut ran rat run rut tan tar urn aunt aura rant tarn tuna turn altar aural lunar natal ultra natural
Level 16. air far fir fry raw ray war way wry afar airy aria away awry fair fray waif wary wiry fairy airway fairway
Level 17. eve ire per pew pie rev rip vie ever peer pier ripe veer view weep weir were wipe wire viper wiper review viewer preview
Level 18. con fin fir for ion nor rim coin corn firm form from icon iron norm micro minor inform confirm
Level 19. eel lop ore per pox pro roe leer lope lore peel peer pole pore reel role rope elope expel leper repel explore
Level 20. elm ice ire lie rib rim bier bile brim crib lice limb lime mice mile mire rice rile climb crime relic limber climber
Where are the new answers cheats for the 3 levels
Are there anymore levels to go to after nougat?