Word Cookies Maple Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Best Chef Maple Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1 .air art oar oat rat rot tar vat via aria riot trio ratio tiara aviator
Level 2. con cot eon men met mom net not one ten toe ton cent come cone memo note omen once tome tone comet moment comment
Level 3. big bin bit bug bun but gin gun gut inn nit nub nun nut tin tub tug unit tubing tuning bunting
Level 4. ace ale cue sea sue use aces ales case clue cues lace sale seal cause clues laces sauce scale casual clause
Level 5. ant ion its nit not oat sat sin sit son tan tin ton tot ants into tint saint satin stain stint taint toast station
Level 6. are ark bar bee bra ear era bake bare bark beak bear beer rake reek baker brake break beaker
Level 7. ail air awl law lay raw ray war way wry airy aria away awry lair liar rail wail wary wily wiry airway warily railway
Level 8. age gas sag sea sue use ages saga sage sags seas sues uses gases guess sagas sages usage usages sausage
Level 9. dig dip dog dry god pig pod pro pry rid rig rip rod drip drop gird gory grid grip prod podgy prodigy
Level 10. nor our run son sun urn horn hour onus ours runs rush shun sour urns horns hours shorn onrush
Special Level. his ion nor our run sin sir son sun urn horn hour ions iron onus ours ruin runs rush shin shun sour urns horns hours irons rosin ruins shorn onrush nourish
Level 11. con cur inn ion nor nun our run urn coin corn icon iron noun ruin curio incur union unicorn
Level 12. ago ail air all ill lag log oar oil rag rig gall gill girl goal lair liar oral rail rill roll grail grill gorilla
Level 13. ace act age ago ate cat cog cot eat ego get got oat tag tea toe tog tot cage coat gate goat tact cottage
Level 14. con cot eon net not one ten toe ton tot cent cone next note once oxen tent text tone context
Level 15. awe maw mow owe saw sea see sew sow was woe ease mows owes same seam seem some swam woes awesome
Level 16. ace ale ban cab can lab able acne bale bane bean cane clan lace lane lean banal cabal cable canal clean lance balance
Level 17. die due fed sue use dies dues feud fuse side sued used feuds fiefs fused diffuse
Level 18. aim sea via vie aims mass mess miss same save seam seas vase vies visa amiss saves seams vases visas massive
Level 19. add age ago dad doe dog ego god had hog odd ode aged dead goad head dodge goaded godhead
Level 20. arc bar bow bra cab car cow oar orb raw rob row war boar brow crab crow roar arrow cobra barrow crowbar