Word Cookies Avocado Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Ultimate Chef Avocado Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1 any are ban bar bay bra bye ear era nay ran ray rye bane bare barn bean bear bran earn near yarn year yearn nearby
Level 2 his hit its lit shy sit sly sty thy hiss hits list silt sits slit this hilts lists silts silty slits stylish
Level 3 cue cup cur elm emu per rue rum clue cure curl lump lure mule perm plum pure rule rump clump cruel lucre plume ulcer crumple
Level 4 doe eel led lop ode old pod pop deep lode lope peel peep plod plop pole pope elope loped poled eloped lopped people peopled
Level 5 ale are bar bra ear era her lab able bale bare bear earl hale hare heal hear herb real blare herbal
Level 6 ale ate awe awl eat hat hew law let tea the wet hale halt hate heal heat late lath tale thaw weal welt what whet lathe whale wheat wealth
Level 7 aid and bad bag ban bid big bin dab dig din gin nag wad wag wig win band bang bind dawn gain gnaw wand wind wing wading windbag
Level 8 aid die sad sea via vie aide aids avid dais dies diva dive idea said save side vase vied vies visa aides aside divas dives ideas saved advise
Level 9 ire rim sew sir mime mire rims rise sire swim weir wire wise mimes mires miser weirs wires wiser simmer swimmer
Level 10 amp ape are arm ear era map mar par pea per ram rap rev aver mare pare pave pear perm pram ramp rave ream reap remap revamp
Special Level aim air amp ape are arm ear era ire map mar par pea per pie ram rap rev rim rip via vie aver mare mire pair pare pave pear perm pier pram prim ramp rave ream reap ripe aimer prime remap viper revamp vampire
Level 11 con cot cur cut nor not nut our out rot run rut ton too urn corn curt onto root rout torn tour turn unto count court croon contour
Level 12 ire net new nit ten tie tin wet win wit newt rein rent rite tern tier tine tire twin weir went wine wire wren writ inert inter twine write winter
Level 13 den die dig din dip end gin inn nip peg pen pie pig pin dine nine pied pine deign pined ending pinned pending
Level 14 ail aim air arm mar ram rim sir ails aims airs alms arms iris lair liar mail mars rail rams rims sail slam slim lairs liars mails rails similar
Level 15 den dry dye end net red rye ten try yet dent deny dyer nerd rend rent tend tern entry trend trendy
Level 16 ore per pet pot pro pry roe rot rye toe top toy try yet poet pore port prey pyre rope rote tore type poetry
Level 17 act cap cat cop cot oat pat pot tap too top tot atop coat coop pact tact toot potato topcoat
Level 18 ace ask ice sea ski aces asks cake case cask ices kiss sack sake seas sick skis cakes cases casks sacks sakes skies seasick
Level 19 eon men mow new nor now one ore owe own roe row woe won knew know monk more mown norm omen woke wore work worm worn wren owner woken women workmen
Level 20 den doe dog don ego end eon gel god led leg log nod ode old one done gold gone lend lode lone long node ogle lodge ogled olden golden longed