Word Cookies Ganache Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Master Chef Ganache Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1 sea sue sum use mass mess muse same save seam seas sues sums uses vase amuse mauve muses saves seams vases amuses assume
Level 2 ail all can gin ill lag nag nil call clan gain gall gill lain nail align cling lilac lacing calling
Level 3 lie lip nil nip pen pie pin pun vie evil lien lieu line live lune pile pine veil vein vile vine liven unveil vulpine
Level 4 ire met mix rim rue rum rut tie emit exit item mire mite mute rite term tier time tire trim true merit mixer remit remix timer mixture
Level 5 bin bio con eon ice ion men mob one bone cine coin comb come cone icon mice mine nice omen once mince income combine
Level 6 ale ape bay bye lab lap lay lye pal pay pea ply able ably bale leap pale peal play plea yelp payable
Level 7 bed bee bet bid bit die dim met mid tee tie beet bide bite debt deem diet edit emit item meet mete mite teem tide tied time debit embed timed bedtime
Level 8 eve her hew how ore owe rev roe row vow who woe ever here hero hove over rove veer were wore wove hover where however whoever
Level 9 ago arm gum lag log lug mar mug oar our rag ram rug rum alum glum goal gram loam maul oral roam molar moral mural glamour
Level 10 and ant art dun nut rad ran rat run rut tad tan tar urn aunt darn dart rant tarn tuna turn daunt tundra
Special Level and ant ark art dun nut rad ran rat run rut tad tan tar urn aunt dank dark darn dart dunk kart rank rant tank tarn tuna turn daunt drank drunk trunk tundra
Level 11 fin fir for fun fur ion nor our rim rum run urn firm form four from iron norm ruin forum minor mourn inform uniform
Level 12 ale elm lab mob able bale balm beam lamb lame loam lobe love male meal mole move oval vale veal vole above amble blame movable
Level 13 aid ail day had hay hid lad lay lid oil old dial hail halo hold holy idly idol lady laid load oily daily holiday
Level 14 and are den ear end era rad ran red rev van area aver dare darn dear earn nave near nerd rave read rend vane vend arena raved raven veranda
Level 15 emu ire mum per pie rim rip rue rum mime mire perm pier prim pure ripe rump prime impure umpire premium
Level 16 all fat flu lot oat out alto auto fall flat foal foul full loaf loft tall toll allot aloft atoll fault float flout fallout outfall
Level 17 din dip don hid hip hop ion lid lip lop nil nip nod oil old pin pod hind hold idol lion loin plod pond dolphin
Level 18 age and bad bag ban bed beg dab den end nag aged bade band bane bang bead bean bend adage badge began agenda banged bandage
Level 19 per red see deep deer peer reds reed seed seep seer sees sped dress peers press reeds seeds seeps seers speed spree speeds depress pressed
Level 20 bet err her hob hot orb ore rob roe rot the toe bore both herb hero robe rote tore berth borer broth other retro throb bother brother