Word Cookies Lemon Answers Page!
Welcome to the Word Cookies Pastry Chef Lemon Answers page! Here you can find all the answers, solutions, and cheats for those tough levels. Scroll down below to find your solution.
Word Cookies is a fun game for those who love word search games. It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge. Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue.
Level 1. bay bus buy saw say sub was way bays busy buys swab sway ways subway
Level 2. got gut hog hot hug hut out tog tug gout thou thug ought tough though
Level 3. arc ban bar bra cab can car ran arch barn bran char crab ranch branch
Level 4. men met net nit ten tie tin emit item mine mint mite tent time tine tint mitten
Level 5. air art bar bat bib bit bra rat rib tab tar bait brat rabbit
Special Level. air art bar bat bib bit bra hat hit rat rib tab tar bait bath brat hair birth habit rabbit ion nit nor not tin ton too into mint mono moon moor moot norm omit onto torn minor motor motion monitor
Level 6. bag ban big bin gin ink kin nag akin bang bank gain king baking
Level 7. eel gel get leg let net tee ten gene glee lent teen gentle
Level 8. ace age can hen nag ache acne cage cane each hang change
Level 9. bet bit ire rib tie bier bite rite tier tire tribe trite bitter
Level 10. ion nit not tin ton too into mint mono moon moot omit onto motion
Special Level. air art bar bat bib bit bra hat hit rat rib tab tar bait bath brat hair birth habit rabbit ion nit nor not tin ton too into mint mono moon moor moot norm omit onto torn minor motor motion monitor
Level 11. got hog hot how rot row tog tow two who grow throw worth growth
Level 12. die dip ice kid pie deck dice dike epic iced peck pick pied pike piked picked
Level 13. hot too hoot host hots moot most moth shot soot hoots moths shoot smooth
Level 14. ant any ivy nay nit tan tin van vat via navy tiny vain vanity
Level 15. act arc art car cat cot oar oat rat rot tar cart coat roar taco actor carrot
Level 16. did die dim elm led lid lie mid died idle lied lime meld mild mile idled middle
Level 17. eve ire rev vie ever veer view weir were wire review viewer
Level 18. bib bin bio ion nor orb rib rob born iron robin ribbon
Level 19. age aim amp ape gap gem map pea peg pie pig game gape mega page image magpie
Level 20. due her hue led red rue duel held herd hurl lure rude rule lured ruled hurdle hurled
In your Lemon 7 you have nothing what my Lemon 7 has.
Thank you. We will fix it soon.
In lime 4 the words don’t match
I’m going threw these so fast you need to make word cookies 2,3,and4
For lemon 17 you are missing veer.
6 letter word missing
On Lemon level there are 2 Special Levels. The word list is the same for both